Tuesday 9 September 2008

Survey Among European Cardiologists Points To A Gap In Cardiovascular Disease Management

�Cardiologists in Europe agree that reduction LDLcholesterol
(LDL-C or "unfit" cholesterol) is the to the highest degree important considerateness when treating
dyslipidaemia (abnormal blood lipids). A majority of cardiologists also agree that in addition to
lowering LDL-C, raising HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C or "good" cholesterin) and reducing
triglycerides are important factors in choosing dyslipidaemia discourse. Yet, contempt these
views, physicians enounce they ar treating less than one-third of their cardiovascular disease
patients based on all three lipid parameters. These findings, from a new TNS Healthcare
survey sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), were presented at the 2008
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Annual Congress.

"Established clinical evidence on the time value of reducing LDL-C has driven the management of
dyslipidaemia o'er the past two decades, resulting in a significant reduction in cardiovascular
disease mortality," said Anselm Kai Gitt, M.D., Vice Director of the Myocardial Infarction
Research Institute in Ludwigshafen, Germany. "Despite these outstanding strides, significant
cardiovascular danger remains for some patients who have lowered their LDL-C levels through
lifestyle modification and medication. When treating a patient, we must conceive all risk factors
including low HDL-C and triglycerides, among others, and recommend appropriate intervention."

Research shows that lowering LDL-C with statin therapy may lessening the endangerment of
cardiovascular disease by about 30 percent (versus placebo)XVI. Other factors that put up to
cardiovascular risk include low levels of HDL-C, high levels of triglycerides, elevated rake
pressure, smoking, inactivity, unreasonable alcohol, unreasonable stress, diabetes, and obesity7,8.
According to the survey results, more than two-thirds of cardiologists agree that disdain
lowering LDL levels, a residual risk for cardiovascular events remains.

Gap between perception and practice in factors for treating dyslipidaemia

According to the survey results, 97 percent of respondents said reduction LDL-C is a "fairly" or
"super" important consideration when choosing a treatment for dyslipidaemia. 84 pct
said they consider increasing HDL-C as either "middling" or "highly" important and 85 pct
agree that HDL-C has a unique protective part against cardiovascular disease. However, less
than half (47 percent) of their patients are treated with both of these lipids in mind. Moreover,
although 66 percent said reducing triglycerides is either "fairly" or "extremely" important, only 29
percent of their patients are treated based on all trey lipid parameters. This is despite 90% of
the cardiologists surveyed acknowledging residual risk remains following LDL-C reduction.
"These findings let on a strong belief in the importance of treating beyond LDL-C alone to
reduce the residual risk of infection of cardiovascular events in patients with dyslipidaemia, in time this is not
adequately translating into clinical practice session," said Dr. Gitt. "Cardiologists are in a unique position
to change this paradigm. Armed with scientific knowledge, clinical experience and new
treatment advances, we can prove a comprehensive approach to cardiovascular disease

About the survey

TNS Healthcare conducted an on-line questionnaire of a sum up of 507 cardiologists in France
(n=101), Germany (n=100), Italy (n=100), Spain (n=106), and the UK (n=100) between June 18
and July 30, 2008. Cardiologists' practices ranged from hospital-based to office-based to both
hospital- and office-based in primarily urban areas.

Cardiovascular Disease and Coronary Heart Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term referring to diseases that affect the bosom or
blood vessels. CVD is the main causal agent of death in Europe, accounting for over 4.3 million
deaths (48% of all mortality).9 It is also the UK's routine one orcinus orca with more than than one in three
people dying from a heart attack or stroke.10

Coronary heart disease (CHD), as well known as coronary artery disease (CAD), is one of the
most common forms of CVD. It is the leading campaign of end globally11 and the U.K accounting
for 101,000 deaths in the area per yr.10

Major risk factors for CVD include abnormal blood lipids, meaning non only high LDL-C merely also
high levels of triglycerides and low levels of HDL-C.7,8 The Pan-European Survey (2005) found
that about i third of men and 40 percentage of women have low HDL-C levels, regardless of the
use of lipid-modifying treatment (in the first place statins). Low HDL-C in combination with high
triglycerides is also common across Europe, where 21 pct of manpower and 25 percent of women
having abnormal levels of both lipids despite receiving lipid-modifying treatment.12

About Merck Sharp & Dohme

Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited (MSD) is the UK subordinate of Merck & Co., Inc., of Whitehouse
Station, New Jersey, USA, a leading research-based pharmaceutical company that discovers,
develops, manufactures and markets a broad range of innovative pharmaceutical products to
improve human health. hypertext transfer protocol://www.msd-uk.co.uk.

1. Chapman J. Beyond LDL-cholesterol reduction: the way ahead in managing dyslipidaemia. Eur
Heart J. 2005;7(suppl F):F56 - F62.

2. Sever PS, Dahl�f B, Poulter NR, et al; for ASCOT investigators. Prevention of coronary and stroke
events with atorvastatin in hypertensive patients world Health Organization have average or lower-than-average
cholesterol concentrations, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial-Lipid Lowering Arm
(ASCOT-LLA): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2003;361:1149 - 1158.

3. Colhoun HM, Betteridge DJ, Durrington PN, et al; on behalf of CARDS investigators. Primary
prevention of cardiovascular disease with atorvastatin in type 2 diabetes in the Collaborative
Atorvastatin Diabetes Study (CARDS): multicentre randomised placebocontrolled trial. Lancet.

4. Sacks FM, Tonkin AM, Shepherd J, et al. Effect of pravastatin on coronary disease events in
subgroups defined by coronary risk of exposure factors: the prospective Pravastatin Pooling Project. Circulation.

5. Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group. Randomised trial of cholesterol lowering in 4444
patients with coronary heart disease: the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study (4S). Lancet.

6. Heart Protection Study Collaborative Group. MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study of cholesterin
lowering with simvastatin in 20 536 high-risk individuals: a randomized placebo-controlled trial.
Lancet. 2002;360:7-22.

7. Heart UK, 'Risk factors for CHD' factsheet, http://www.heartuk.org.uk/new/downloads/factsheets/IRisk_Factors.pdf [Access on 03.07.08]

8. Department of Health, Health Survey for England 2003, Volume 2, 'Risk factors for cardiovascular

9. European Heart Network. European Cardiovascular disease statistics 2008 edition

10. Allender S, Peto V, Scarborough P, et al. Coronary warmheartedness disease statistics 2007, Chapter 1.
British Heart Foundation, London

11. World Health Organization. The Top 10 causes of death factsheet. February 2007

12. Bruckert E ; Baccara-Dinet M; McCoy F et al. High prevalence of low HDL-cholesterol in a paneuropean
follow of 8545 dyslipidaemic patients. CMRO 2005; 21 (12):1927-1934

Merck Sharp & Dohme

More info

Thursday 21 August 2008

Beyonce & Jay-Z Row Over Babies

...more Beyonce Knowles �

Beyonce and Jay-Z have reportedly hit a rocky patch in their four-month marriage � because the Bootylicious star wants to put her vocation before starting a family.

The couple tied the knot in a hush-hush ceremonial occasion on April 4, amid rumours that Beyonce was already expecting.

"Jay Z is ready to have children. He [and Beyonce] dated for age, now they're married...and for him - it's time for children," a source close up Jay-Z knocker told MediaTakeOut.

But it seems that maternity isn't parting of the singer's immediate plans.

"Beyonce is very vocation focused. She has another album due this year and a couple of major film projects in the works," the author continues.

"Her career is moving at 90 miles per hour and she's not trying to have it slowed down by a baby.

"[Jay Z and Beyonce] ar best friends so it's not like they're fighting over it...but they both feel very strongly about [their positions] - if one of them doesn't yield, I think it could be a big problem."

Monday 11 August 2008

Clarence Carter

Clarence Carter   
Artist: Clarence Carter

R&B: Soul


The Platinum Collection   
 The Platinum Collection

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 20

Slip Away and Other Hits   
 Slip Away and Other Hits

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 10

This Is   
 This Is

   Year: 1968   
Tracks: 15

Best siva   
 Best siva

Tracks: 23

Singer Clarence Carter exemplified the grainy, down-to-earth good of Muscle Shoals R&B, fusing the annihilating pathos of the blues with a arch, lewd encyclopaedism ability to create profoundly soulful music stock-still in the American South of the past and the demonstrate. Born January 14, 1936, in Montgomery, AL, Carter was screen from birth. He immediately gravitated to medicine, instruction himself guitar by hearing to the blues classics of John Lee Hooker, Lightnin' Hopkins, and Jimmy Reed. He majored in euphony at Alabama State University, acquisition to transcribe charts and arrangements in Braille.

With screen schoolmate Calvin Scott, Carter in 1960 formed the duette Clarence & Calvin, signing to the Fairlane mark to press release "I Wanna Dance But I Don't Know How" the following class. After the 1962 discharge of "I Don't Know (School day Girl)," Clarence & Calvin left wing Fairlane for the Duke imprint, renaming themselves the C & C Boys for their mark debut, "Hey Marvin." In all, the duette cut quadruplet Duke singles, none of them generating more than a shrug at wireless -- ultimately, in 1965 they travelled to Rick Hall's Fame Studio in Muscle Shoals, AL, paying $85 to criminal record the racking lay "Step by Step" and its twitch side, "Cock Knees and Rice." Atlanta wireless personality Zenas Sears recommended Clarence & Calvin to Atlantic producer Jerry Wexler, and the mark issued "Footstep by Step" on its Atco subsidiary -- the criminal record failed to chart, and the twosome was once again looking for for a label.

Backed by a four-piece combo dubbed the Mello Men, Clarence & Calvin spent the first base half of 1966 headlining Birmingham's 2728 Club. One Friday night in June piece returning home from the club, the chemical group suffered an car chance event that left Scott critically injured, initiating an ugly severance with Carter over the resulting medical bill. In the meantime, Carter continued as a solo play, signing to Hall's Fame mark for 1967's "Tell Daddy," which inspired Etta James' response criminal record, "Recount Mama." The superb popcorn-soul movement "Thread the Needle" proven a pocket-size crossover hit, and later on one additional Fame discharge, "The Road of Love," Carter returned to Atlantic with "Looking at for a Fox," issued in early 1968. "Looking for a Fox" proven the first base of many singles to trickily cite the singer's visual impairment, non to mention showcasing the lascivious impulses that eclipse many of his most popular records.

Just few performances better typified the rising Carter esthetic than "Slip Away," a superior unsportsmanlike ballad spotlighting his anguished, monumental baritone alongside the outstandingly sinuous backing of Fame's typic backing band. The record was a Top Ten hit, and its follow-up, "To a fault Weak to Fight," also went gold, hardening Carter's newfound commercial invoke. He terminated 1968 with a wonderfully funky Christmas single, the raunchy "Back Door Santa," in addition to mounting a national circuit featuring mount singer Candi Staton, wHO after became Carter's wife as well as a soul asterisk in her possess right.

The percolating "Snatching It Back" was Carter's low gear Atlantic expiration of 1969 -- its B-side, a remake of James Carr's deep soul classic "The Dark End of the Street," corpse one of the singer's most strong efforts, drafting on traditional blues and gospel truth to explore both the ridiculousness and anguish of unfaithfulness. Subsequent singles including "The Feeling Is Right," "Doing Our Thing," and "Fill It Off Him and Put It on Me" were only marginally successful, but in 1970 Carter returned to the Top Ten with the mawkish "Patches," his biggest hit to date. He even so stumbled once more with a run of 1971 releases like "Getting the Bills" and "Slipped, Tripped and Fell in Love," and in the wake of "If You Can't Beat 'Em" -- a duet with Staton -- Carter left field Atlantic in 1972, returning to Fame with "Back in Your Arms Again."

Released in 1973, the leering "Sixty Minute Man" proved a novelty hit, but in 1975 he attempted to reignite his career at ABC, cathartic "Take It All Off" and "Dear Abby" to little notice. By the end of the x Carter was relegated to small self-governing labels like Future Stars and Ronn, and in 1980 signed to Venture for the ill-advised "Jimmy's Disco" and "John We Slip Away Again?" In 1985 he resurfaced on the fledgling Ichiban label, returning to the ribald mysterious soulfulness of his prime -- the LP Dr. C.C. earned incontrovertible reviews and spawned the hilariously lewd "Strokin'," a major pipeline hit. (A continuation, "Still Strokin'," followed in 1989.) Carter continued recording and touring regularly into the twenty-first century, maintaining a inviolable fan base passim the South.

Inverness Medical Innovations Features Innovative TB Diagnostic - Clearview(R) TB ELISA At AIDS 2008

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Pam Tillis

Pam Tillis   
Artist: Pam Tillis



It's All Relative   
 It's All Relative

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 13

Greatest Hits   
 Greatest Hits

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 12

All of This Love   
 All of This Love

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 10

The girl of nation caption Mel Tillis, Pam Tillis made her have way in the euphony business, eventually decent a modern-day rural area star in the '90s. Tillis was born on July 24, 1957, in Plant City, FL, only raised largely in Nashville and started pickings piano lessons at old age eighter from Decatur. She switched to guitar at 12 and played in endowment contests during her teen days. Somewhat crazy and rebellious, she survived a near-fatal cable car doss down at eld 16 that required extended facial reconstruction. Fortunately, she recovered to the full and chased music aggressively at the University of Tennessee, singing with the High Country Swing Band (which played country-rock and jug ring music) and in a folk couple with Ashley Cleveland. She take leave school in 1976 and worked at her father's publishing company, placing her composition "I'll Meet You on the Other Side of the Morning" with Barbara Fairchild. She besides formed her have backing band, which soon resettled to the San Francisco Bay Area and renamed themselves Freelight; they developed an adventuresome style based on wind and rock-and-roll, non area. Tillis returned to Nashville in 1979, though, and sang musical accompaniment for her sire spell raising her start small fry as a undivided parent, fronting an R&B ring, and continuing to save songs, a couple of which were recorded by Gloria Gaynor and Chaka Khan.Tillis performed regularly at Nashville's Bluebird Cafe with several other female singer/songwriters and landed a deal with Warner Brothers in the early '80s. She released i record album, the pop-oriented Higher up and Beyond the Doll of Cutey, in 1983 and had her number one chart single the following year with "Bye HIghway." Several more singles were released through 1987, but none even managed to do the Top 50; even so, Tillis was qualification her name as a songster for Tree Publishing, with compositions recorded by Highway 101 and Conway Twitty, among others. In 1989, the same twelvemonth she acted in a Tennessee production of Jesus Christ Superstar, she landed a new deal with Arista. Tillis released her label debut, Set up Yourself in My Place, in 1991, and the track single, "Don't Tell Me What to Do," raced into the Top Five, giving Tillis her long-awaited breakthrough. Of the album's basketball team add up singles, "One of Those Things" and "Mayhap It Was Memphis" besides made the Top Ten (as did the album). 1992's Homeward-bound Looking Angel was an evenly successful followup, with "Shake the Sugar Tree" and "Let That Pony Run" both fashioning the Top Five.Tillis co-produced her third base Arista album, 1994's Sweetheart's Dance, which proved to be her to the highest degree successful yet and earned her the ACM's award for Female Vocalist of the Year. "Spilled Perfume," "When You Walk in the Room," and "In Between Dances" all went Top Five, and "Mi Vida Loca (My Crazy Life)" became her number one of all time number one hit. Released in late 1995, All of This Love was the number one record album Tillis produced by herself, and gave her Top Tens in "Deep Down" and "The River and the Highway." Two modern songs from 1997's Sterling Hits compilation, "All the Good Ones Are Gone" and "Res publica of the Living," both went Top Five as well. 1998's Every Time reflected her recent split up from ballad maker Bob DiPiero and gave her a near-Top Ten hit in "I Said a Prayer." A reshuffling at Arista delayed the expiration of Thunder and Roses until 2001, so in the lag Tillis performed on Broadway in the Leiber & Stoller tribute production Smokey Joe's Cafe. Boom and Roses found Tillis' commercial-grade momentum deceleration down, and she and Arista later on parted ways. She caught on at Epic's roots subsidiary Lucky Dog and debuted for them in 2002 with It's All Relative: Tillis Sings Tillis, a ingathering of her father's substantial that eventually launch her embrace his legacy on her own damage. Rhinestoned appeared in 2007 from Stellar Cat Records.

Emma Kirkby - Soprano, The Taf

Tuesday 24 June 2008

Against All Authority and Common Rider

Against All Authority and Common Rider   
Artist: Against All Authority and Common Rider

Rock: Punk-Rock


Split CD   
 Split CD

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 8


Jessica Alba has baby girl: report

Saturday 21 June 2008

Gwen Stefani should lose weight: media

Washington (ANI): Singer Gwen Stefani's rocker hubby Gavin Rossdale has slammed the media for pressuring the pregnant star to lose her baby weight as soon as she can after giving birth. The British rocker is not amused by the pressure the media is putting on his wife, who gives birth to the couple's second child this summer. "Yeah, she does (feel under pressure). I mean, she's just so dedicated and she's just amazing with that stuff (weight loss). It's very hard because everyone's so judged the whole time," Contactmusic quoted him, as saying. Stefani and Rossdale are already parents to a two-year-old son, Kingston. The couple met in December 1995 when No Doubt opened for Rossdale's band Bush.

The Salomon String Qartet

The Salomon String Qartet   
Artist: The Salomon String Qartet



String Quartet Op.20, ¹6   
 String Quartet Op.20, ¹6

Tracks: 4

String Quartet Op.20, ¹5   
 String Quartet Op.20, ¹5

Tracks: 4

String Quartet Op.20, ¹4   
 String Quartet Op.20, ¹4

Tracks: 4

String Quartet Op.20, ¹3   
 String Quartet Op.20, ¹3

Tracks: 4

String Quartet Op.20, ¹2   
 String Quartet Op.20, ¹2

Tracks: 4

String Quartet Op.20, ¹1, Es   
 String Quartet Op.20, ¹1, Es

Tracks: 4


Danuwa Analihi Adonvdo

Danuwa Analihi Adonvdo   
Artist: Danuwa Analihi Adonvdo

New Age


Native Roots   
 Native Roots

   Year: 2006   
Tracks: 11


Sinatra Offspring Debate Whether To Make A Film About Him

The three children of Frank Sinatra are at odds over a proposal to produce a theatrical documentary about the late singer's life, the Los Angeles Times reported on Sunday. The newspaper said that 59-year-old daughter Tina has been in discussions about a Sinatra film that would be directed by Martin Scorsese, who previously has helmed documentaries about The Band, Bob Dylan, and The Rolling Stones. He's also, like Sinatra, Italian-American. "He's really the only one to do it, isn't he?" Tina Sinatra remarked in an interview with the Times. Sister Nancy Sinatra, 67, however, is opposing the documentary venture, telling the Times that she is concerned that it would "dwell on the negative and ugly moments" of her father's life, to quote the newspaper. She said that she would prefer an eight- to 10-hour documentary that presumably would be shown on television as a miniseries. Brother Frank Sinatra Jr., 64, complained that he had been kept out of the loop by his sisters about the film and other matters related to his father's estate. "I'm not party to all those decisions, not like I would like," he said. The dispute came to light as the Times prepared a feature article about the singer, who died 10 years ago on May 14, 1998 and who is being honored with a postage stamp featuring his image this week.

See Also

Rhys Ifans - Ifans Doing Fine After Miller Split Says Co-star

Actor RHYS IFANS is in great spirits following his split with ex-fiance SIENNA MILLER, according to his co-star TALULAH RILEY.

The St. Trinians star, who has been filming new movie The Boat That Rocked with Ifans, insists the Welshman is enjoying being single again - despite recent tabloid speculation he has been seen weeping on the film's set.

Riley says, "I don't know what's been in the papers but he was laughing and joking all the time on set. He was just one of the lads, you know. I didn't notice him down or anything."

The couple allegedly parted ways earlier this month (Jun08), with Miller reportedly dumping Notting Hill actor Ifans by phone.

See Also


Artist: Daf

Rock: Electronic


Fuenfzehn Neue Daf Lieder   
 Fuenfzehn Neue Daf Lieder

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 15

Gold Und Liebe   
 Gold Und Liebe

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 10

Die Kleinen und die Bosen   
 Die Kleinen und die Bosen

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 19

Alles Ist Gut   
 Alles Ist Gut

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 10

Daf: The Best Of   
 Daf: The Best Of

   Year: 1988   
Tracks: 27

The Best Of   
 The Best Of

Tracks: 16


David Beckham - Beckham Stunned By Pitch Invasion

Random Movement

Random Movement   
Artist: Random Movement

Drum & Bass


Random Movement-INN011 Vinyl   
 Random Movement-INN011 Vinyl

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 2

Orgone (ORGONE018)   
 Orgone (ORGONE018)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 2

Bassbin (BB1216)   
 Bassbin (BB1216)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 2


Dowland, John

Dowland, John   
Artist: Dowland, John



Dowland: Lachrimae   
 Dowland: Lachrimae

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 21



Artist: Locust



Safety Second, Body Last (EP)   
 Safety Second, Body Last (EP)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 2

Plague Soundscapes   
 Plague Soundscapes

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 23

No-One In The World   
 No-One In The World

   Year: 1998   
Tracks: 5

Truth is born of arguments   
 Truth is born of arguments

   Year: 1995   
Tracks: 11


Tracks: 20

Flight of the Wounded Locust   
 Flight of the Wounded Locust

Tracks: 11

Locust's Mark Van Hoen occupies the shadier, more melancholiac side of present-day ambient, collection records of patent ravisher out of shards of morose, passably foreboding textures and arrangements. A London native alive in the film and commercial music patronage ahead concentrating full-time on recording for tone ending, Van Hoen has produced a string of extremely thought-of releases for the R&S subsidiary Apollo in a comparatively myopic period of meter. He's quoted Steve Reich, David Sylvian, Kraftwerk, and Brian Eno as early influences, but more latterly has been attempting to quest for paths of creative design opened up by John Coltrane and Karlheinz Stockhausen. Although earlier releases focussed on sprawl, largely beatless experimental soundscapes, his more recent work has integrated elements of breakbeat styles such as trip-hop and jungle -- for the most part in footing of production techniques, as opposed to esthetic qualities, and with in spades Locust dash. Truth Is Born of Arguments was the number 1 release of this sort, and included heavy, distorted pleximetry and coordination compound, looping polyrhythms similar to (although much more sluggish than) those establish in drum'n'bass.

Non always the ambient misanthrope, Van Hoen splits his creative activity between Locust and a number of on-going collaborative ventures, among them Autocreation (techno) and Involution (post-techno observational electronic), the latter with Seefeel frontman Daren Seymour. Van Hoen's besides realised a numeral of remixes for Seefeel and As One, among others, and has recently unified elements of multimedia system and performance artistic creation into his live appearances. Van Hoen besides released the occasional recording under his given list, including 1996's Last Flowers from the Darkness and 1999's Playing with Time.

France Set To Bar Pirates From Internet Access

Internet users in France accused by the music and film industries of downloading music and movies illegally may be barred from subscribing to Internet service providers for up to one year, under a new law proposed by Culture Minister Christine Albanel. According to a report by the French wire service Agence France Presse, the law would set up a regulator that would receive complaints from the music and film industry and track them down through ISPs. The suspected offenders would be sent two warnings before being stripped of their Internet subscriptions. The proposal received the backing of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who reportedly told the cabinet meeting, "There is no reason that the Internet should be lawless." The proposed law, if passed by the French parliament, would go into effect on January 1. At that time the music and film industries have agreed to remove all existing copyright protection on French material. While the proposed law was hailed by international entertainment groups, it was derided overwhelmingly by bloggers and online message writers. On the London Times's website, one writer observed that the same boxed set of DVDs that sells for $25 in the U.S. goes for 75 euros in France. "Maybe if the [government] did more to prevent us Europeans being blatantly ripped off we'd download less."

See Also